The birthday number is a supporting influence to the Life path. Your birthday number is the day of the month you were born on. These are the traits you brought into this life alongside the more important and dominating traits found in the Life path.
Continue reading below to discover what your Birthday number means.
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Birth Number #1 If you were born on the first of the month then you′re an instigator and a go-getter. You′re very independent, but you may get a little egotistical. Watch for selfishness, and make a conscious effort to consider others.
Birth Number #2 This date of birth brings you balance and diplomacy. You′re very sensitive when it comes to the feelings of others. Just make sure that you don′t lose your own self-confidence along the way, for self-doubt could lead to some sadness.
Birth Number #3 You′re very communicative if you were born on the third. Remember that not all communication is spoken. You could easily be incredibly creative, and express yourself in nonverbal ways.
Birth Number #4 Fours are very often the pillar of strength. You′re a hard worker, and very practical. Just don′t get too set in your ways, for there's a bit of stubbornness associated with this birth number.
Birth Number #5 The 5th brings you inherit luck and an unwillingness to compromise. You know what you want and you can charm your way towards getting it. You live life large, but make sure that you don't overindulge in the things that bring you pleasure.
Birth Number #6 If you were born on the 6th, you will lean towards traditions and family values. You′re conscious of your surroundings, but you may have a tendency to be too critical of others. Part of your life′s lesson is to learn to lighten up.
Birth Number #7 A life path number of 7 is considered to be lucky, and so is the birth number. You′re intuitive and maybe a bit psychic, but you have trouble fitting in. It can be hard for you to find a place — and a partner — where you feel truly comfortable.
Birth Number #8 You have infinite powers of motivation and leadership — but you can also be a bit bossy. This is the number for great potential, but your arrogance may let you down. Learn to cultivate patience with others — it will actually work in your favor.
Birth Number #9 This is the number of the artist and the dreamer. If this is your birth number, you′re probably very romantic. You just have to make sure that you′re not using your dreams and fantasies to escape reality.
Birth Number #10 All of the energies of the number 1 are amplified here. You′re a trailblazer, and not afraid to stand alone. Just don't try to do it all, though, for it will be easy for you to stress yourself out if you over-commit yourself.
Birth Number #11 This is one of the master numbers, and it brings to you the idealism that the 11 life path number has. As a birth number though, this also brings nervous energy. Try not to worry so much about what others think about you.
Birth Number #12 A birth number of 12 brings you the independence of the 1 and the sensitivity of the 2. You′re artistic and communicative, but you need to pay attention to your feelings. You′re naturally prone to mood swings, and one of your life′s lessons is to keep your emotions balanced.
Birth Number #13 Don′t let people tell you that it's unlucky to be born on the 13th, because it's not! What it does do, though, is bring you a penchant for hard work. Others might try to take advantage of you, so don't let them. Express yourself through a creative pursuit.
Birth Number #14 If this is your birth number, then you may struggle with commitment. You′re gregarious and likeable, and you hunger for a sense of adventure in order to feel alive. You need to be honest with others, though, or you′ll come off as being a bit superficial.
Birth Number #15 You′ve got a real flair for the creative arts. It doesn′t matter what field; whether it′s words, or music or painting, or something else. You′re a great friend, but you sometimes pay more attention to the needs of others than you do your own.
Birth Number #16 Pursuing something detailed and involved will appeal to you if you were born on the 16th, for this is the number of intellect and understanding. You delve deep into what interests you, but you′ll have to apply yourself to finish what you start. Don′t get so absorbed in your pursuits that you shut others out.
Birth Number #17 You can be a bit of a perfectionist, because you′ve got high standards and an ambition to live up to them. One of your life′s lessons is to learn to delegate. Your way is not the only way of doing things; let someone else explore their skills and talents, too!
Birth Number #18 A birth number of 18 indicates that you can communicate with people from many different backgrounds and belief systems. You′ve got superior leadership abilities. Just watch your judgement, though. It's easy for you to find fault with others.
Birth Number #19 You like to live life on the cutting edge, being active, being in the middle of things in order to feel alive. You′re fiercely independent, and that can make it difficult for you to form emotional relationships with others. You need to find a balance between independence and companionship.
Birth Number #20 You′ve all the energies of the 2 birth number, amplified and then some! You′re so involved with your surroundings and easily influenced by them that you should take extra care that they′re harmonious and soothing. It's easy for your emotions to get the better of you.
Birth Number #21 You′re charming and talented — and a bit lazy! You have everything that it takes to create a very successful life, but you may not have the motivation to make that happen. Your charisma can open many doors for you, but will you do the work that will lead you to your highest rewards?
Birth Number #22 This is one of the life path master numbers, and you have the intuition and inspiration that goes with it. However, as a birth number, it brings some challenges. You′ve got big dreams, and you′re not afraid of failing. You're afraid of succeeding — and that's what you need to work on.
Birth Number #23 If this is you, then you need to watch your over-indulgence. You truly believe that life is for living, but it's so seductive with all of its wonders! You′re amiable and goal oriented, but you may get too easily distracted on your way to success.
Birth Number #24 You′re a great listener, but you seem to get effortlessly drawn into the drama that other people create. Remember that listening and counseling is one thing, but you can′t let their problems become your problems. Others will take advantage of you if you let them.
Birth Number #25 You′re intelligent and intellectual, but are you using that to your advantage, or are you using it to shut others out? It's not hard for you to get absorbed in your studies and pursuits. Just don′t use that dedication as an excuse for avoiding emotional connections.
Birth Number #26 It's easy for you to see the entirety of a situation, but harder for you to focus on the details that are needed to make that bigger picture manifest. Let others help you. If you allow your ego to get in the way you can come off as conceited, and no one likes a showoff.
Birth Number #27 You understand human nature more than most, but you won't always like what you perceive. It can be hard for you to forgive others for being human and making the mistakes that people make. You have to pause and remember that you′re not perfect, either.
Birth Number #28 Yours is the path of originality. You′re not one to conform, and you′re better at starting things than you are at finishing them. Use that entrepreneurial charm to instigate things, and then leave them to others to get completed — just don′t throw a tantrum when things don't go your way!
Birth Number #29 It may take you awhile to find your niche in the world, but once you do, you′ll fill it with creativity. You′re intuitive yet practical. You just need to have patience with yourself, and find out who you truly are, not who someone else says you need to be.
Birth Number #30 You′re so creative that an artistic profession could come naturally to you. If you′re not doing this for a living, then at least find a creative hobby into which you can pour yourself. You′ll feel incomplete without some kind of imaginative activity.
Birth Number #31 Reliability and dependability are just two of your strengths. You′re very hardworking, and others rely on you. Because you don't want to let anyone down, there′s the potential that you could overstretch yourself, so make sure you have at least some time alone to relax.
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Introduction to Numerology here.
Calculate your Life path number here.
Calculate your Destiny/Expression number here.
Calculating your Soul Urge/Heart's Desire number here.
Calculate your Personality number here.